Stefan Buchen: Die neuen Staatsfeinde. Wie die Helfer syrischer Kriegsflüchtlinge in Deutschland kriminalisiert werden. Dietz Verlag, 2014.
(The new enemies of the state. How the supporters of Syrian war refugees are being criminalised in Germany)
“The story told here is about how people, who were refugees themselves, wanted to help other refugees – often friends, relatives, women or the own kids – to live safely in Germany.
As the story shows, one must not believe that in Germany today nobody is unjustly imprisoned, just because we live in a republic, under a rule of law with separation of powers and a guaranty of fair lawsuits. To have only laws in place that are passed by parliamentary majorities in the two chambers of parliament (Bundestag and Bundesrat) does not provide an absolute warrant against ‘legal injustice’.” (Stefan Buchen, Die Neuen Staatsfeinde, p. 9)
It is easy for the reader to discover similarities to the situation in Austria. The investigation methods used by the police and the concluded lawsuits are identical and culminate in similarly boundless persecution: telephone surveillance, observations, searches, arrests, imprisonment – all that as a punishment for helping other people.
Unfortunately we don’t know about an English translation of this book yet.